
What Is An Infused Pre-Roll And How To Make Them

April 20, 2023

If you're a cannabis enthusiast, you've probably heard of infused pre-rolls. These are pre-rolled joints that have been infused with cannabis concentrates or oils, providing a more potent and flavorful smoking experience. In this article, we'll discuss what infused pre-rolls are, why they're becoming so popular, and how to make them yourself.

What Are Infused Pre-Rolls?

Infused pre-rolls are pre-rolled joints that have been infused with a cannabis concentrate or oil. The concentrate or oil is usually applied to the outside of the joint paper or infused directly into the cannabis flower before rolling. This method allows for a more potent smoking experience, as the cannabis concentrate or oil adds an extra kick of THC to the joint.

Why Are Infused Pre-Rolls Becoming So Popular?

There are several reasons why infused pre-rolls are becoming increasingly popular among cannabis enthusiasts. For one, they offer a more potent and flavorful smoking experience. The added cannabis concentrate or oil can enhance the effects of the joint and provide a more robust flavor profile. Additionally, infused pre-rolls offer a convenient way to consume cannabis without the need for additional equipment or preparation. They're perfect for on-the-go use and can be easily shared with friends.

How To Make Infused Pre-Rolls

Making your own infused pre-rolls is relatively easy and requires only a few ingredients. Here's what you'll need:

  • Cannabis flower
  • Cannabis concentrate or oil
  • Pre-rolled cones
  • Grinder
  • Dab tool

Once you have your ingredients, follow these steps:Step 1: Gather the necessary materials. You will need pre-rolled cones, cannabis concentrate, and a dab tool.Step 2: Use the dab tool to apply the cannabis concentrate evenly to the inside of the pre-rolled cone. Be sure to spread the concentrate evenly to ensure that the pre-roll burns evenly.Step 3: Pack the pre-roll with ground cannabis flower. Be sure to pack the pre-roll tightly, but not too tightly. A well-packed pre-roll will burn evenly and produce a smooth smoking experience.Step 4: Twist the end of the pre-roll to seal it shut. Be sure to twist the end tightly to prevent any cannabis flower from falling out.Step 5: Store the infused pre-roll in a cool, dry place until you're ready to smoke it.If you're not comfortable making your own infused pre-rolls, you can always purchase them from a Frederick dispensary. Medical and recreational dispensaries often carry a variety of infused pre-rolls, making it easy to find the perfect one for you.

In Conclusion

Infused pre-rolls are an excellent way to enjoy a potent and flavorful smoking experience. Whether you make your own or purchase them from a Frederick dispensary, there are plenty of options to choose from. If you're new to cannabis, it's always a good idea to start with a lower potency option and work your way up as your tolerance builds. Remember to always consume cannabis responsibly and in accordance with local laws.