5 Rules for Enjoying Edibles from a San Francisco Bay Area Cannabis Delivery Service

July 6, 2021

Numbers don’t lie: edibles are more popular now than ever before. That means that untold new cannabis enthusiasts are trying edibles for their first time. And while that’s definitely an exciting experience, it’s important to tread carefully. Even if you’re familiar with smoked cannabis but haven’t tried edibles, it’s a completely different experience. That’s why we teamed up with a San Francisco Bay Area cannabis delivery service to bring you these 5 rules for enjoying cannabis edibles.

5 Rules for Enjoying Edibles from a San Francisco Bay Area Cannabis Delivery Service

Biggy Smalls once said, “follow these rules and you’ll have mad bread to break up.” That may not necessarily be true when it comes to these 5 rules for edibles. But if you adhere to these paradigms, you’ll definitely have a better time when you take oral THC!

1: Go Low and Slow

It’s important to begin your foray into infused edibles with low doses of THC. Once you have an idea of how edibles affect your body, you can start increasing your dosage.

Several factors like your individual tolerance and metabolism can significantly change how edibles make you feel compared to another person who took the same amount of THC. Remember: it’s a marathon, not a sprint when it comes to edibles.

2: Wait 1 Hour Between Doses

This goes hand-in-hand with the last rule. Your body doesn’t process edible THC the same way that it does inhaled THC. When you eat a THC-infused edible, it can take up to one hour before you feel its effects.

This can be a problem if you don’t wait an hour between doses. If you take too much too fast, you’ll end up taking a higher dose than you’d intended. To make sure you enjoy your experience, wait an hour!

3: Read the Package!

This rule is so underrated. When you buy edibles, read the package! Packages will give you critical pieces of information, like how much the edible contains. If the package contains multiple edibles, that’s how you can find out how much THC is in each piece.

What’s more, some edibles may contain more than one cannabinoid. For example, you can commonly find edibles infused with both THC and CBD. Since cannabinoids enhance one another’s properties due to the entourage effect, you need to know exactly what you’re eating.

4: Consider What You Last Ate

You may have heard about how THC is a fat-soluble molecule before. This means that THC more readily binds to lipids like fats and oils. In contrast, most other molecules (like alcohol, carbs, and proteins) are water-soluble.

What does this mean for edibles? Before you take edibles, consider your last meal. Data suggests that eating fatty foods can increase the potency of orally-consumed THC.

5: Environment Matters

Here’s another underrated rule. If you want to have an enjoyable edible experience, make sure you create a nice, cozy environment. This will lull your brain into a comfortable state, setting yourself up for a more positive overall experience.

Shop for Edibles at This San Francisco Bay Area Cannabis Delivery Service

Think you’re ready to take the edible plunge? Look no further than this San Francisco Bay Area cannabis delivery service. With a vast selection of edibles and friendly staff, you’re just one visit away from finding your next favorite infused edible product.