
How to Properly Store Cannabis Flower So That It Lasts

May 5, 2023

It is important to store your cannabis flower and equipment properly if you wish to maintain them in the best possible condition. It's not only the way you store your cannabis that determines how it will taste. Also, you need to store your other cannabis gear with care. You can find out everything you need about how to store cannabis gear, flower, and concentrates, ensuring that your experience at a dispensary in Albuquerque is enhanced by keeping your supplies in optimal condition.

Storing cannabis flowers

There are five major variables to consider when storing cannabis flowers:

  • Light According to research dating back to a 1976 study the exposure to light has been the leading contributor to degradation of cannabinoids. The flower should be kept in a dark place to avoid this.
  • Air The same 1976 study found that oxidation caused by contact with air is another factor critical in the degradation cannabis. This is why it is important to store your flower in a container that is airtight.
  • Temperature. Since mold and other bacteria thrive at temperatures between 32-120 degrees Fahrenheit or 049 degrees Celsius it is best to Store your flower slightly below 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celsius but not too cold so that your nugs will freeze.
  • HumidityTo prevent mold, place your flower where relative humidity (RH), between 55% to 62%. Mold can grow on cannabis if the relative humidity (RH) is above 65%.
  • Odor : If you want to keep your flower stash discreet, purchase odorproof containers or storage boxes.

The optimal solution for storing your cannabis flower takes into consideration each of these factors. Keep your cannabis flower in airtight containers that are made of silicone, glass or metal. Plastic containers can cause static electricity, which could pull the trichomes from your flowers. Store your containers in an area that is cool and dark away from direct sunlight or heat.Online or in local Albuquerque marijuana dispensary, you can find many products that control humidity.

Storing concentrateds

Cannabis concentrates, like cannabis flowers, should be stored in an airtight, dark, cool container with low relative humidity, away from heat and direct light. Concentrates do not have the same strong aroma as flowers, so an airtight container is usually sufficient to capture any potential odors.Use glass or silicone containers for concentrates. They won't stick and are easier to remove when you prepare to dab.Use containers made of silicone or glass for storing concentrates. Concentrates will not adhere to these materials.Gina Coleman/WeedmapsIt's a good idea, finally, to store your concentrates in a box that can be sealed. Many models come with extra padding to protect the concentrates. They also have storage for simple dab tools like dabbers and carb caps. You can even get storage boxes that have locking lids to increase security.

Storing glass pipes

Glass pipes should be stored in a way that protects the glass while limiting the odors of leftover resin. Consider storing your glass pipe in the following to address both concerns simultaneously:

  • Hard plastic container that can be sealed. They are simple and affordable. They also trap odors fairly well. They are not padded so you will need to take care when handling the container.
  • A box that has a designated space for the glass. Airtight and odorproof boxes are the best.
  • Try a small lockbox or safe if you want to keep your valuables secure and discreet. Make sure the box is padded to protect your item. This is a great option for people who have custom-made glass that they want to protect.

Store bongs, bong equipment and other bong products

Bongs tend to be too big and bulky to fit inside a box or other container. Store your bong upright and clean in a place where it will not be bumped or jostled. If you need to be discrete, find a lockbox or container large enough to fit your bong that can trap odors.If you have glass adapters or attachments, it is a good idea that each piece of equipment be kept in a box with padding. Make sure that each piece has enough space to prevent them from crashing into one another and breaking.

Storing dab rigs & dab tools

Dabbing is different because it uses specialized components like domes, carb cap, nails and many others. Dabbing also requires components that are more durable than those used for smoking or igniting flower. You'll want to properly store the equipment you buy for dabbing.There are many storage options available for your dab gear. Some of the most popular types of storage include:

  • Containers for storing concentrates are usually made of silicone or glass.
  • "Wallets" are used to store multiple concentrate jars as well as tools such as dabbers.
  • Some models have larger storage boxes that include compartments for dabjars, nails and carb caps as well as other tools.
  • Hard-shell and soft-shell cases for your gear, with compartments that are padded.
  • Lockable small safes and hard shell cases are available.
  • Travel cases that are odor-proof, lockable, and well-padded to protect your dab gear.

Cannabis storage: Other considerations

Storage for Joints and Blunts

There are a variety of cylindrical containers that can be used to store and transport pre-rolled joints.

Storage for Single-Hitters

The best way to store a one-hitter is with a piece of it that can slide into a dugout. Dugouts usually have a cylindrical opening to hold your one-hitter, as well as a chamber where you can place some ground cannabis. You can use a single device to store, transport, and pack your one-hitter.

Storing Vape Pens

The popularity of vape pens is exploding, in part due to their ease of use and storage. Smart storage will help maintain the performance of your pen and its overall condition.It's important to keep your pen, or more specifically the THC cartridge, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Find a place that is safe so the glass cartridge will not break. No one wants to grab their vape pen and find that the glass cartridge is cracked, and the sticky, precious concentrate has spilled everywhere.It's also best to store the cartridge upright, so that the oil does not flow away from heating element. You should not hit the cartridge until you see the oil settle on the bottom again and cover the small holes next to the heating element. Store your vape pen upright in a tall, cylindrical glass or other thin container to avoid this.

On-the-go storage

If you are traveling with cannabis, or other gear, it is important to make sure your equipment will be kept safe and discrete. Focus on storage cases with discretion in mind.Traveling with cannabis or anything else related to it is not a good idea. There are now many travel products that have been designed to minimize the strong smells of cannabis. There are a variety of odor-proof bags and bags for travel, including handbags, backpacks, duffels, and purses.It is important that you choose a travel storage system that is highly protective. You should look for travel bags or carrying cases that are fully cushioned. Look for padded travel cases that are specifically designed for cannabis gear.When you travel with cannabis and cannabis equipment, you should be discrete. If you've already determined that the travel case, bag, or storage container meets your needs, then you should focus on finding storage and travel gear which looks like any other piece of luggage or backpack. It is important that your bag does not draw attention to itself or alert others. It should also be convenient for you to carry wherever you are.